Original Template Here

(This one includes a demonstration proposal, in grey text.)

SEEDS Template for Campaign Proposal

Empower Your Community | Grow Your Revenue | Regenerate Our Planet

When creating a campaign proposal, you are invited to use the following questions as guidelines to ensure that the SEEDS community about to vote on your proposal is well informed. You will find an example of an actual campaign that was created in the Co-Op of the SEEDS Global Passport. Feel free to add any questions or comments you might have.


Trans-local project-based-learning of core competencies in permaculture and online collaboration

Who are you?

Permaculture CoLab is an international network of permaculture practitioners, educators, and movement builders who have come together to enhance the effectiveness of permaculture, as well as coherence in the movement, from local to global.

Within the Collaborative Laboratory, we have formed a group led by Naomi Joy Smith (pollinatenow) and A. Keala Young (abrancusi123) to explore and practice using SEEDS. The members in this group include Aline VaMo (alinevanmoer), Philipp Grunewald (philippgr2ty), Luiza Oliviera (luizapckf442) and a handful of other more or less active contributors.

How are you serving the regenerative movement?

Permaculture is a whole-systems design science integrating natural building, ecological farming, appropriate technologies and other methods for wellbeing based on earth care, people care and fair share. The CoLab formed in response to the need for movement organizing between international permaculture convergences; it was discussed and incubated over many years, and participation was invited at the 2017 IPC in India. Since then we have continued to build relationships with IPEN, PIRN, IPCC, GSPN and other key players in the movement. We are developing and modelling structures for collaboration which dismantle the patrix, and have helped various permaculture communities and teams with online hosting. We run our own events and promote as well as help with infrastructure for other events in the network. This platform is essential to maintain rigour in the movement, so folks who are learning how to be effective socio-ecological stewards are receiving the support they need to heal our ecosystems and our relationships, as well as cooperating on large scale complex issues together and in alliance with neighbouring movements.

What would you do with this campaign fund and why are you asking for the # of Seeds you’re asking for?

With this campaign we will distribute an invitation and gift of 111 Seeds a reward for participation in the inter-network permaculture event ecosystem plus 10% for Admin and 20% for Event Hosts. By giving Seeds to participants we want to encourage win-win-win exchanges. It rewards people who choose to show up and contribute to community design sessions, who are committed to building community and especially those committed to lifelong learning and unlearning.

We will be submitting an Alliance Proposal following this initial community dispersement and look forward to the potential of a follow up Campaign after the success of this one.

Event Participants: 23,310

Event Hosts: 6,660 (555 x 12 hosts)

Admin 3,330 (555 x 6 admins, enough for one per each active micro-enterprise in the CoLab to learn-by-doing while receiving compensation for their time)

Total: 33,330 Seeds